The Path


"Modificiatus" -- July 11, 2010

So I've started up modding Dawn of War. Again.

I'd been playing around with a "personal"(ie, unreleased) mod of mine for a while, but the "project" itself never really took off. With no one to actually play the game with, and with little desire to release the mod to ever-shrinking DoW modding community, I couldn't really see a reason for putting the work in.

Not that any of that's changed, of course, but I find myself being perepetually bored-to-death these days and figured this could be a bit of a remedy.

This time, however, I'm doing things a bit more clinically. I'm sticking to modding only the LUAs, which has the benefit of allowing for inheritance-based modding as well as git-friendliness. I mean sure, I could keep all of the modified RGDs in my git tree, but being binary files, there's no way to tell exactly what changed from file version to file verison.

Setting up git for Windows wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be, and a Cygwin installation later, I'm on my way to turning this into a releasable project.